Your article made me sad. You are basically saying, if you do not agree with what I did you are a misogynist? The fact is, both of you knew what you were doing and the fact that you kept it secret means you were inconsiderate of the hurt, potential loss, potential disease, etc being brought home to the wife.
My only feeling is I do not believe in lying, sneaking around, or cheating, and I do not believe there should be other people out there willing to take part in this for selfish reasons. If you truly believe someone is a misogynist for disagreeing with these basic human principles, you should consider if it is your own narcissism or petulance.
I cannot judge you as a fellow flawed human, it is not my place, and all of us are potential cheaters given the right set of circumstances. I do believe you should be treated with respect as another human and should be able to get emotional help if you need it.
Congratulations on your child, raise him or her with love. If you were my daughter, I would tell you to make better decisions next time. The man should pay you child support. He is actually more at fault than you since it is his responsibility to be honest with his wife.
This article has nothing to do with treating women with the respect they deserve in your case unless you are speaking about the wife. You made a selfish choice, and neither of you considered showing her the basic human respect you are asking your readers to give you.