The basis of freedom is the freedom of thought and speech. Just because you label something hate speech or disinformation does not give you or anyone else the right to stifle it. The best thing you can do with a hater is let them speak. It will out what they really are and most will not want much to do with them.
The best way to create more haters is try and stifle the speech of those who disagree with you. I am as Progressive as they come, but this used to be the foundation of true liberalism. Fascism was built on burning books, censoring speech, and labeling those who disagree as a danger to the state.
If this woman can do it and be applauded for it, what happens when the Christian Right gains power, and using the same labeling of hate speech calls standing up for supporting integration, affirmative action, woman's right to choose, or separation of church and state hate speech?
Frankly, much of what passes for hate speech these days is embarrassing. To answer you question. Yes, in a free country you should be able to say whatever the fuck you want as long as you are not pushing violence, trying to directly intimidate someone, or are instigating mass danger like yelling fire in a theater.