One of the reasons I saw organized Christianity for the bullshit it is. I was once involved in this junk. Dopey faced pastors wearing the latest fashion or purposely dressing down for affect or pretending to be aligned with the cool crowds in skateboarding, rock, acting or surfing.
Saying god this and god that all the time while they put on shows and cash the checks. Driscoll was right to call him out, but it is just an act on Driscoll's part also. This crowd loves being showmen. PT Barnum was at least more honest.
When I was running in Fundamentalist circles, I would have called this one false prophet calling out another and by chance getting it right. I now believe they are all fake, make believe and unneeded. If they actually have a book of truth as they claim, who needs a pastor if they know how to read?
The fact that so many show up to these shows is proof humans are desperate to be led and will flock to anyone unafraid to speak boldly, even if they have little to say.