Nikki Haley, The Civil War Was Only About Slavery

If any of you pretend it was about anything else, you are lying

Jamie Druhan
7 min readDec 31, 2023
Photo by Dean Hinnant on Unsplash

Shit, who needs a made up movie script about evil leaders bent on world domination when you have real Confederates from history extolling the virtues of owning human beings and wanting to expand it to being larger than European empires. How about this quote from the author of Southern Secession, Robert Barnwell Rhett to start things off:

“Citizens of the slaveholding States of the United States! Circumstances beyond our control, have placed us in the van of the great controversy between the Northern and Southern States. We would have preferred, that other States should have assumed the position we now occupy. Independent ourselves, we disclaim any design or desire, to lead the counsels of the other Southern States. Providence has cast our lot together, by extending over us an identity of pursuits, interests and institutions. South Carolina, desires no destiny, separate from yours. To be one of a great Slaveholding Confederacy, stretching its arms over a territory larger than any power in Europe possesses–with a population, four times greater than that of the whole United States, when they achieved their independence of the British Empire–with productions, which make our existence more important to the world, than that of any other…



Jamie Druhan
Jamie Druhan

Written by Jamie Druhan

Advocate for the vulnerable. Striving for better thinking.

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