Nice article.
We do not have verifiable facts that god does or does not not exist. Were we were created by inter-dimensional travelers, a highly advanced being, or did we pop out of nothingness to become Mozart, Bach, or Maya Angelo? Questions worth pondering. God may be explainable, but yet unknown. Religion that worships various gods, nope.
I agree with your article over all and believe we should only concern ourselves with what is self-evident in our daily living, but pondering the questions is not bad. The issue arises when humans get together and try and force a religion on others or write a book with no original to measure their scriptures against and call it gods word or book of rules. History is full of this.
Why would a superior intelligent being be burdened with petty human traits like jealousy, hate, or slaughter? Why would such a being give a shit about what music we listen to, how we dress, or who we fuck? Why would such a being need humans barely out of caves to speak for it? Religion is a power structure. Nothing more. Thomas Paine had religion's number.