Many great points in your article. I agree, it is not Biden's fault, but here is what Joe Biden is not doing and could do. During civil rights, Democratic leaders and presidents went to war with Southern states such as Alabama refusing to tear down segregation. It took years for it to be overturned, but there was a very clear line in the sand.
It was so clear that the racist in the Democratic Party eventually all jumped ship to the Republican Party and we get what we have today from that racist party of the top few percent. Biden has not done much but lip service to the loss of Roe vs Wade and women being hunted in places like Alabama and Texas.
He is more interested in giving other people's countries money and protecting their rights than he is the Americans who were expecting something different from the Democrats than the war mongering Republicans who openly exclaim their love for the top few percent.
I enjoy your writing and mostly agree, but the Democrats do not appear to be any more interested in "freedom" than the Republicans.