I read your article, it is well written, but I do not give a shit about any royal, the concept of royalty or caste, nor anyone including Meghan who have chosen to be part of it. Meghan will never have to work another day in her life as a result for doing nothing but marrying in. They all suck. Including Prince Diana. Caste is ugly.
I dislike the ugly display of racism and white supremacy that is obvious in how she was treated by the royals and their shills, but there is an honest question that has to be asked about that. What would anyone including Meghan expect from that inbred lot? She is being defended while many who are unknown and suffer from racism have few if any defenders.
The entire history of the royals is dripping with racism, classism, entitlement, murder, torture, colonization, imperialism, and slavery etc. Thinking love can overcome that could be naive, but I think it could just as easily be willful and ambitious. I am way more concerned for every day people of vulnerable cultures who have few defenders.
The bottom line with Meghan is she married into the enemy of humanity in caste, and into entitlement.