I agree with the basic premise of what you are saying about something founded on Democratic principle and law.
What bothers me is that there have ever been laws through whatever process being claimed that allow for slavery, women being owned by their husbands and second class to men, child labor, etc.
In my view, there comes a time when what is being claimed about law and Democracy have failed, it is time to scrap it and start over as it likely cannot be modified enough to be something worth keeping.
I would challenge the notion that America was ever founded on Democracy, true Democratic principle or even law based on such ideas as equity. Capitalism and caste have played a part in it since the very beginning and are codified in many of its early documents.
Practically speaking, "us and our posterity" obviously meant us land owning white Christian males.
In my view, this has prevented true Democratic principles from existing as the soul of Capitalism is not people, but ownership, and profit. I appreciate you responding, Penguin.