But you are not white. There is no such thing as "white." You are an American of whatever European ancestry you came from. There did not used to be such a thing as white, there used to be British, Slav, French, Italian, or Persian, etc. Why would you be proud to be white? White is the label of a caste your American ancestors were given years after they fought the revolution to repress other groups. I enjoyed the read, but I must disagree overall.
No one is talking about owing anyone anything but pointing out that whiteness is a power structure, and not a race. Funny how you want to determine for someone else what their fair share is. Especially having been retired military who suck from working Americans tax dollars, and get to retire and triple dip with free health care in their fifties, which working American who pay their salaries cannot. I was also in the military. I know what they do and do not do. They get more than their fair share since fair share is important to you.
The only way to work together is to realize American capitalism favors a few at the expense of the many, and whiteness has traditionally been part of that entitlement. The reason for the angst has partially been indoctrination, but also because the youth are fed up with America's bullshit caste structure and morals that have always been hypocritical and abusive.
If you truly want to get real, American Capitalism as it is must be destroyed and something more equitable for everyone put in its place. The legacy of American Capitalism has been war for profit (all of them), colonialism, mistreatment of workers, poison in the food, addiction, poverty, child labor, filthy work environments, homelessness, and misogyny, with justice and health being a based on how much you can afford. I do not suggest any form of totalitarianism, but the strong must be collared so they do not prey on the weak and vulnerable if we want to have something called civilization.
I am not snowflake. I own a business, but huge swaths of people are left out of our system for being born wrong. That is American tradition. That is actually what tRump's, Make America Great Again slogan was all about. Making America white again. Half the country are not longer trying to hide it. Those claiming that is not what they want but who still support conservatism are still supporting that concept whether they realize it or not.